Real Talk: Letting Go Like a Boss!

The Fierce Femmepreneur

Sep 12 2023 • 24 mins

Dropping the emotional baggage tied to other people's vibes? You got this! Here are some tips to help you vibe higher and let go of that emotional weight:

  1. Tune into your feels: First things first, be aware of the feels triggered by others. Know what's lighting up your emotional dashboard.

  2. Get introspective: Take a moment to understand why certain folks can push your buttons. Knowing your triggers is like unlocking the secret code to emotional freedom.

  3. Channel your inner zen master: Remember, other people's actions and vibes are on them, not you. Repeat after me: "Their vibe, their responsibility."

  4. Boundaries, baby: It's time to establish some rock-solid boundaries. Don't be afraid to say 'no' when you need to, and put yourself first.

  5. Shower yourself with love: You're a F*CKING ROCKSTAR, and it's high time you treat yourself like one. Shower yourself with self-love and watch those negative vibes bounce off.

  6. Surround yourself with good vibes only: Build your squad with people who lift you up and inspire you to be your best self.

  7. Approval? Who needs it: Let go of the need for other people's approval. Trust your gut and own your decisions like a boss.

  8. Zen it out: Mindfulness and meditation are the secret weapons to staying cool, calm, and collected in the face of drama.

  9. Be a comeback kid: Life's got its curveballs, but you? You're the comeback kid. Bounce back from negativity like a pro.

  10. Talk to a pro: If you're stuck in an emotional rollercoaster, don't be shy about reaching out to a therapist or coach. They've got the tools to help you ride that wave.

Remember, your emotions are like your favorite playlist. You've got the power to hit 'skip' on the negativity and crank up the good vibes. 🎶💃 #LettingGoLikeABoss"


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