Investing Strategies and Success: A Conversation with Danny Salgado, Independent Real Estate Investor

Showcase Chicago Podcast

Aug 24 2023 • 30 mins

In the latest episode of the Showcase Chicago Podcast, your host Michael Reyes, a seasoned Chicagoland Realtor with ARE Partner Inc, sits down with special guest Danny Salgado – an accomplished independent Real Estate Investor and a highly valued past and current client. Our conversation will focus on Danny's journey as ignited by the guidance of his father. We'll explore buy-and-hold versus fix-and-flip strategies, perfect for beginners and seasoned pros alike. Sealing a game-changing real estate deal under the Florida sun and learn how he turned a possible challenging tenant situation into a thriving flight attendant crash pad. We'll discuss luck versus strategy, budgeting for flips, and the art of finding reliable contractors. Plus, discover the personal touch that keeps clients like Danny coming back. Get ready for insights, inspiration, and a genuine look into the world of real estate investing.

Michael Reyes w/ A.R.E. Partners Call/Text: 312.972.3455