Queen Energy.

Celebration Mindset

Jan 12 2024 • 8 mins

No more emotional vampires. We don't abandon ourselves for anyone any longer. We didn't survive separation, divorce, and now being a single parent with all the collateral damage that goes along with picking up. Broken pieces of the past to just survive. Let's create a life worth celebrating! I hope you join me in being in your feminine queen energy era. In the past, I used my feminine power to get men because I thought that was the only way I could secure my financial freedom and security. and stability. I laugh because that is the complete opposite.

It's amazing when relationships are not transactional. When you meet somebody, and you know that It's real and you both are equal and want to be there for the right reasons. Well, for me, I was raised in a culture where femininity and beauty went hand in hand with the goal of getting a husband. And I did as a priority. At the age of 22, I was married and that marriage crashed and burned 13 years later. Today, I own my Queen Energy and it has helped me be confident in my own self to the core. Here's the thing, no one is going to come save you. But you, you are the queen in your life. No more being owned or controlled by anyone. I am confident in my strength from my feminine power, the strength and the intuition that it provides me and how it protects me. We are women. We multiply life. We have super power intuition. We are lovers, defenders of innocence. Amazing what power a woman holds. We should be proud. I saw this recent clip from Dr. Gary Breka. He recently discovered that our brains are actually bigger than men. Thank you for the scientific proof. Every woman already knew.

This is not a man bashing segment at all. I've met many people regardless of gender that are in their forced or weak energies and they feel threatened by the authentic feminine queen energy. In some people it sometimes provokes unexplained anger because of their own insecurities. To that I say, walk away. Do not engage because you will have their energetic residue. Do not try to explain or justify anything.

Honestly, if anyone feels threatened by you owning your divine power, they won't even understand you because your vibrational language is on a different playing field. You're simply in two completely different realities speaking different languages and there is no google translator for that type of disconnect. Again, don't let their energetic residue just Ugh, stick to you. No, do not engage.

The amazing flip side to this is that you actually attract truly strong individuals that are in their own authentic force. Like recognizes like. People that are pure intentioned lift each other up. I am blessed enough to have these type of friends and you feel energized around them and you both feel empowered and joyful after you encounter them. From all the past people that tried to break me and control me, I now use all those past lessons to fuel me to reach new heights. I hope that if you're having their voices in your head, those mean words, the controlling tactics, and all of the horrible things that people try to do to break you, that you now show them without a doubt that you are the queen of your life. So when the world tries to keep us women marginalized and quiet, please remember That it starts with you not betraying yourself. Please remember my words.

We don't betray ourselves anymore to make anybody comfortable. We choose ourselves, we choose inner peace and love. I hope that you have an amazing day. May you radiate your queen energy with every step you make forward. I hope that you enjoyed this last episode. I hope that you have an incredible week. Please go ahead to our website for the freebies and for any exclusive merchandise. Everything really helps us get the message out and our hope is really to see the 15 million Single moms across the United States completely transformed their lives and their families. I am sending you a huge hug, and I hope you have a great week. Till next time. Remember, this is brought to you by www.CelebrationMindset.com