E29: Wear Your Reputation on Your Sleeves. How to Build a Powerful Reputation Plan for Your Business with Matt R. Vance

Remote Start Podcast

Oct 12 2022 • 32 mins

In this episode, we have a very special guest, Matt Vance. Over the past decade, he has managed over 2000 review profiles and listings for products, brands, and employers. Matt Vance just launched his book, The Review Cycle, and as of September, he started an agency where he is on a mission to help you turn your online reviews into a huge business competitive advantage.

We will be discussing your business's online reputation. Regardless of the size of your business, social proof, which is consumer reviews, and user-generated content, is critical and can dramatically lift sales momentum for your brand. And today, Matt will share four specific, actionable steps for any business to start or enhance its online reputation. We will dig into some of the challenges and excitements Matt's had and been going through recently as he leaped from being an employee to an entrepreneur.

Remote Start Nation,

Let's get into the show!

Learn more about Matt Vance at: TheReviewCycle.com


Learn more about Remote Start Podcast at: https://www.remotestartpodcast.com/