Holiday Channels

TV Channel Info

Nov 20 2022 • 4 mins


I'm Katy , your AI assistant for this episode.

There is such a thing as a holiday channel.

It is a channel whose content focuses on a holiday.

Is it profitable?

Well.. a good planned and built holiday channel has two life stages.

The first one is ... the immediate stage. It starts about a month before the holiday and focuses on direct sales - affiliate products, services, etc.

The second is a bit more interesting - the "growing" or "dormant" stage.

It starts after the holiday season ends when you switch your ads to more general ad types and start selling the following season's ad space.

A holiday channel is perfect for channel farming - it has excellent value during the holiday season for someone in the right niche and costs close to nothing to maintain. It is easy and fast to build and duplicate.

The best part of all?

We have a holiday every month - smaller or bigger, but we can find holidays throughout the year.

At the time of writing this article, we have, according to HolidayInsights, the following holidays.



7 Pearl Harbor Day

12 Poinsettia Day

18 Chanukah lasts 8 days

21 Winter Solstice (shortest day of the year)

23 Festivus – for the rest of us!

25 Christmas

26 Kwanzaa

27 National Fruitcake Day

28 Boxing Day – date can vary

31 New Year's Eve

You can grow the list with local - county-specific, nationality, or religious holidays.

Just two examples you could use to target international "markets" are St. Patrick's Day - March 17, or Cinco de Mayo - May 5.

Of course, some will have a bigger audience and some smaller - but - every holiday will have a specific audience.

Targeting the next three big holidays, here are some channel ideas.

Halloween - October 31

Halloween costumes - ideas

Halloween movies

Halloween decorations

Halloween Activities

Halloween books - for a review type of channel with a year-long audience

Halloween crafts, and so on.

Thanksgiving Day - November 24

Thanksgiving food

Thanksgiving activities

about thanksgiving

Thanksgiving turkey recipe

Thanksgiving cards, and so on.

Christmas - December 25

Christmas wishes

Christmas movies

Christmas activities

Christmas songs

Christmas stories

Christmas gifts

Christmas Decorations

Christmas desserts, and so on.

Can you find free content for this type of channel?

Yes, you can!

Just do a short CC search on YouTube. You'll see it.

Can you find products or services to sell?

Yes, you can.

Search on ClickBank or any other big affiliate network - Amazon, Walmart, eBay, etc., and you'll see.

Now you have a time frame - a topic, content, and products to sell on your channels so ... let's get building and making a profit.

For more written recommendations on this topic, visit :

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