Cult of The Old - Wiz War

Cult of the Old

May 15 2024 • 58 mins

Welcome to the latest episode of Cult of the Old!

Each episode your hosts Iain McAllister, Matt Thrower, and Nate Owens are going to turn back the clock to look at games that are at least 10 years old. They’ll give their own critical impressions, tell you about the history of the game and its impact, and what relevance these games still have in the modern hobby landscape.

What are we looking at this cast?

People love board games for all sorts of reasons. The satisfaction of a well executed strategy. Building the perfect engine. Riding the curve of chance to push your luck just enough. We enjoy the finely honed mixing of mechanism, theme, and setting to produce the perfect game. Our next game this season is none of those. It just wants to watch the world burn.

Having had 9 different editions over the course of its existence this game sees players donning their robes, picking up a staff, and pouring over their spell books. Not for intense wizardry research. Oh no. Just to make sure that your fellow wizards see the wrong end of a fireball and get fried by your lightning bolt. Welcome to Wiz War.

Wiz War was designed by Tom Jolly and has had various artists over the course of its editions.

Show Links

Below are links to the games and anything else that the team mention during the course of the cast.  We will be linking to BGG for games, designers, artists, and publishers as that is a good place to start for raw information about the game in question.

Games Mentioned

Dungeons & Dragons

Cosmic Encounter - Episode Link

Nuclear War

Mille Bornes

Dungeon Quest

Merchant of Venus

Fireball Island

Dark Tower

Slay The Spire


Tresham Civilization


Mage Wars

Summoner Wars



Arcane Blaster Casters

King of Tokyo - Episode Link

Other Mentions

Interview with Tom Jolly

Reflections on the publishing of Wiz War

Dragon Magazine

Cheapass Games

Fantasy Flight Games

Restoration Games

The Duelist

Team Links

Websites you can find the cast on

There Will Be Games


The Giant Brain







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