Stop Waiting and Start Creating

7 Figure Spiritual Leader

Jan 18 2022 • 27 mins

“When you create, you are engaged in an act of love. It is an act of love for yourself. It is an act of love for others.” - Council of Light

Do you have a book that you are wanting to write, or create a course that will help those you serve, however you find yourself procrastinating or even doubting yourself? In this episode, Danielle explores the dynamics that are stopping us from creating our Opus Level body of work and encourages us to move out of our comfort and break the illusion lies that are holding us back.

Join the Council of Light as they share about the inherent power that is in creation as well providing guidance on stepping out of the waiting mode.

Do not miss these highlights:

00:37 - Danielle discusses the holding pattern that we can find ourselves in and some of the reasons why we are afraid to move into creation

03:11 - There is a difference between living in the new paradigm as opposed to the old and if you are not seeing a difference, it has not been integrated into your life yet

05:20 - Danielle shares stories from her own life when she was outside of creation and how it impacted her and those she served

10:47 - We are in the Evolution in Consciousness as spiritual leaders and it is asking us to show up with the tools that we already have, to be present, and to make the difference that we're here to make.

14:26 - The Council of Light shares their knowledge about the creation process and finding your “Now” moments.

17:05 - The Council provides clarity around the fear of not getting it right, encouraging you to stay in the creation process and align with your highest self.

20:59 - We all must learn to move out of the separation consciousness and allow ourselves to be in a state of alignment, connection, and joy.

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About the Host:

Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.

Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine.

Instagram: @danielleramahoffman

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