Scribe Your Book at the Speed of Light: A Client Spotlight with Kim van de Sande

7 Figure Spiritual Leader

Mar 8 2022 • 35 mins

Have you ever wondered what it would take to get your book done in months rather than years?

In this episode, Danielle is joined by one of her Divine Transmission Clients, Kim van de Sande. Kim has released her new book, Activating the Flower of Love, and she is excited to share with you how being connected with Source and your higher wisdom can help you scribe your book through that Divine Connection. Whether you have started penning your book, or just contemplating it, both Danielle and Kim share their thoughts to both motivate and inspire you on your next creative journey.

Stay tuned for a Divine Wholeness Activation meditation led by Kim.

Do not miss these highlights:

01:48 - Learn how becoming part of the Divine Light Activation program allowed Kim to fully awaken and raise her consciousness.

05:06 - Connect to your authentic self and allow yourself to channel and learn through the teachings that occur during the co-creation process.

07:27 - Through co-creation, there is an unlearning of the old paradigm and the traditional book creation process.

10:06 - There is an acknowledgment of your own role as the physical embodiment of these frequencies that needs to occur as well as the commitment to create something that is bigger than yourself.

12:56 - Being on this accelerated path of creation allows your book to come out when people most need to hear what is being said, not 10 years down the road.

16:05 - A look into Kim’s book and how connecting with Source influenced the way it was written and allowed the words to flow without judgments.

21:03 - Learn what the Flower of Love is and how it can help you connect with the deeper layers of yourself and release the layers of illusions and distortions.

23:56 - Become more aligned with the Divine Wholeness Activation led by Kim

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About our Guest:

Kim is a Sacred Architect, Cosmic Channel, Master Healer, and Teacher who helps people all across the globe to ascend and amplify their ability to fully embody their divine potential with the speed of light. Not only does she powerfully help souls align to their highest timeline, but she also aligns CEO’s to New Earth Entrepreneurship.

When she is not teaching & co-creating with her clients, you can find her spending blissful and joyful moments with her family and friends, learning & discovering, hiking in nature, and completing her divinely channeled books.

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Her Book: Activating the Flower of Love -

About the Host:

Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and...