An interview with Flo Clucas, Cheltenham City Councillor, discussing the radio play ’We Can’t Be’

Lou Beckett

Dec 19 2022 • 26 mins

When writing my play about two young women wanting to build a statue to an accomplished woman in Cheltenham, I thought it would be helpful to speak to a member of Cheltenham City Council. By sheer good luck, I phoned Flo Clucas. Flo has a distinguished background, having served as Councillor and Deputy Leader on Liverpool City Council before arriving in Cheltenham. While there, she played a key role in having a statue built to Kitty Wilkinson, often called the 'Saint of the Slums' in Liverpool.    In the interview, she proposes her candidate for a Cheltenham statue, Josephine Butler, and advises what steps could be taken to get a statue built.