Disability Employment with Doug Goist- Part 2

Disability Talks: Don't Dis My Ability

Dec 17 2021 • 21 mins

In part 2 of my interview with Doug Goist, we talk about the mission of National Industries  for the Blind and how the pandemic has shifted employer's mindset of disabled persons working from home.  As Doug and his team work with candidates and employers, he crushes the common stigmas that are not valid and shows how even eyeglasses are assistive technology.

Tune in and enjoy!

Website: https://nsite.org/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/douglas-goist-656b3228/?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniProfile%3AACoAAAXcyCIBsWHvUSlFnji6HkCmKGFgGH8__rw

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