Christina Delay from Altina Drinks, A social solution to a social problem with Zero Proof Craft Cocktails

The Good Business Podcast

Aug 11 2020 • 29 mins

My guest today is Christina Delay, CEO and founder of Altina Drinks.

Now have you ever been at a party or work function where everyone was enjoying a glass of wine or a beer and you were the only one without a drink in your hand and it feels really awkward and you kind of feel a little bit left out.  Alcohol consumption is often linked to social events we all enjoy, getting together with friends or a wedding for example,  But what if you don’t want to drink alcohol - how do you participate in the social rituals we enjoy without the alcohol.

This is where Christina and Altina drinks come in.  As a passionate impact entrepreneur, she is combining her science skills and business brain to help shake up the Aussie drinking culture and re-invent methods used in traditional alcohol production by creating innovative Zero Proof Craft Cocktails.

So if you want to find out how to create unique and memorable alcohol free experiences and learn how you can develop a great product that is also a vehicle for change then you should listen to this episode of the Good Business Podcast.

Show notes available at

To learn more about Altina Drinks visit