Leadership Transitions: How to Hit the Ground Running in Your New Role

Second Crack — The Leadership Podcast

Nov 23 2023 • 31 mins

Embarking on a more senior executive role in your career can be very rewarding, yet it also poses several challenges. In this episode, we delve into the intricate dynamics of leadership transitions, uncovering strategies to make a profound impact in your new leadership position from the get-go.

[3:10] Understanding the nuances of your new role compared to your previous one is pivotal. Letting go of familiar tasks and delegating these can prove challenging, especially if you excelled in those tasks and now must entrust them to individuals with less experience or lower skill sets.

[7:15] Moreover, grasping the unspoken expectations beyond your job description is crucial. 'Stakeholder mapping' emerges as a valuable exercise. Begin by identifying internal and external stakeholders and discern their expectations. Delve into understanding their concerns and how you can alleviate them.

[12:34]  As leaders ascend within an organisation, the focus inevitably shifts towards strategy and people development. Unlike 'individual contributors,' leaders navigate success by empowering and enabling others. "Leadership is creating the conditions for people to be their best."

[15:36] Even in high-ranking positions, wielding direct decision-making power may be limited. Leadership pivots towards influence rather than authority. It commences with attentive listening and empathetic understanding of others' challenges. The key lies in making interactions with you enriching, demonstrating how your contributions add value, thereby enticing others to engage with you. (For more on influence, see also our episodes Out of Control — How to Lead Through Uncertainty? and The Charms and Challenges of Leading Sustainability.)

[19:10] Balancing the urge to swiftly deliver results with the imperative to build robust relationships and understanding the intricacies of your new role. While seeking to showcase your capabilities after a promotion, hastiness can lead to errors. It's prudent to take ample time to thoroughly comprehend your new terrain before taking decisive action.

[26:02] Leadership training programs offer an avenue to accelerate leadership transitions. However, their effectiveness relies heavily on catering to the needs of the individual leaders. Often, theoretical knowledge from such programs proves challenging to implement in everyday scenarios, making them most effective when complemented by personalised executive coaching.

[28:46] Reflection Questions for Leaders

  • How can I strike a balance between my drive to achieve immediate wins and the time required to nurture relationships and comprehend various stakeholders' perspectives?
  • When comparing my new role to my previous position, what practices should I retain, what do I need to let go of, and what do I need to add on?
  • Considering 'What Got You Here Won't Get You There,' which traits and behaviours that previously propelled my success might now serve as obstacles?"

More info about us and our work is also on our website: secondcrackleadership.com.

Do you have any feedback, questions, or comments? Or would you like to explore how we can help you with leadership development through a company-wide initiative or individual executive coaching? Then email us at hello@secondcrackleadership.com.

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Martin Aldergård
Gerrit Pelzer