Can, Care, Do: How to Build Trust and Spark Action — with Jim Massey, CSO

Second Crack — The Leadership Podcast

May 25 2023 • 43 mins

We are joined by Jim Massey, Chief Sustainability Officer at Zai Lab, and former global Vice President of ESG at AstraZeneca. Jim shares his experience as a global sustainability leader, and how he is using the Can, Care, Do model to lead transformation in the healthcare industry. Jim is also the author of the newly launched book "Trust in Action".

Listen and gain insights on how you can build trust: the foundation of all positive action and change. And as always, we end with a few reflection questions for you.

Can, Care, Do is a simple and easy-to-remember guide that you can use to build trust and spark action. And Jim shares stories and practical examples of how he has used the approach to lead change in two organisations under very different circumstances. At AstraZeneca, Jim lead the transformation towards sustainability goals in a large multi-national organisation. At Zai Lab, it is all about scaling sustainability from the start, as the company is growing. In both cases, trust is a fundamental component, but different elements of trust need to be addressed.

Key moments

[05:10] Trust in Action. Trust and action run in parallel.

[09:30] The elements of the Can-Care-Do model and how to use it.

[15:31] How Jim put the Can-Care-Do model into practice, as the newly appointed, ‘outside’ leader, of a highly qualified team of ESG specialists.

[20:17] The biggest challenge? To hold myself accountable.

[26:12] Growing and scaling a global bio-tech start-up, being planet positive from the get-go.

[31:07] Stepping into the BS. Addressing the systems that are getting in the way of trust.

[36:57] From all the things that needs to change, scope out something, and focus on that little piece.

Reflection Questions:

  • When reflecting, the most powerful actually sits in Can, as in why do I exist. For me as a leader, what is my why? Why am I here, and am I fulfilling that? Or am I distracted with so much of the Doing, that I’m forgetting my greatest impact?
  • At work today, did I feel I could be myself, and were there perhaps situations where I felt I couldn’t?  And reflecting on what to do about it: Is it about me to set the intension of behaving differently next time, or is it something ‘in the system’ that allows, or doesn’t allow, me to be my true self?
  • As I face a challenging leadership situation, or not seeing the action or results that are needed, how can I use this situation as an opportunity to nurture and build trust? Which of Can, Care, or Do is the area I need to work on?

Information about Jim and his book ‘Trust in Action’

You can find more information about Jim and his book at

Or on LinkedIn Jim Massey


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