Leadership in Complex Times — with Anu Rathninde, APAC President, Johnson Controls

Second Crack — The Leadership Podcast

Jul 27 2023 • 39 mins

Join our conversation with Anu Rathninde, the APAC President of Johnson Controls, and take-away an easy-to-remember guide for how to tackle complexity as a leader. Apply the steps in the “SIILA”-model and directly understand what you need to address, and create positive transformation in your organization.

As a leader, you are expected to deliver predictable results and you are held accountable. It might be tempting to base your decision-making on control and assumed certainty. Yet, an organisation, with its people and stakeholders, is a complex adaptive system that doesn’t operate like a machine, outcomes really can’t be controlled. This is where the steps in the SIILA-model becomes an important guide.

Anu Rathninde is the APAC  President of Johnson Controls. With 30,000 employees across more than 20 sites in Asia, and previously many years as an executive also in North America and Europe, Anu truly combines the best of  both Western and Eastern leadership styles.

Key moments

05:30Introducing the 5-step SIILA model (= Systems thinking, Internalise, Interact, Learn, Adapt).

09:14 Step 1: Systems thinking helps leaders to understand and consider the inter-connectedness inside and outside the organisation, and that change emerges with or without a leader trying to control things.

17:44 Step 2: Internalise. The hardest step in being an effective leader is to personally internalise the purpose and values of the organisation as well as what drives you as a leader, bringing the right mindset and motivation to change.

22:26 Step 3: Interact reminds leaders to interact with everyone in the organisation to gain a true understanding of what is actually going on. Input for decision-making and the trust to implement decisions, can’t be created in the boardroom.

32:13 Step 4: Learn and Step: 5 Adapt are the ‘easy’ ones if you have done steps 1-3, but of course not less important to drive change and results in a complex environment.

33:39 Reflection questions

Reflection Questions

  • How do I use my time as a leader to truly understand the system, align with my values, my mindset, and interact with the right people to understand what's actually happening, before making decisions?
  • How valuable is it for me to spend that extra effort and make the right decision versus making a quick decision?
  • Where might I not understand the system well enough? Where might I oversimplify and what might I overlook in the interactions that people are having, which then impacts outcomes?
  • To help yourself with Step 2 internalise, you can ask yourself from 3 perspectives:
    1) Where am I today? What am I doing? Why? How am I doing?
    2) From where I started: How did I get to where I am today? What did I do? Why?
    3) Based on where I want to be in the future: Why do I want to be there? How am I going there? What am I going to do there?

About Anu and his book “Tackling Complexity”

Find more information about Anu and his book on LinkedIn: Anu Rathninde


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