12 | CCS for the City with Noah Brink, Interim Head


Sep 8 2019 • 17 mins

"If from an early stage we can shape our students so that not only have they learned to accept the diversity of God's Kingdom but they crave it, that's what I want to see." - Noah Brink, Interim Head of School.

In Episode 12, we welcome back Interim Head, Noah Brink to kick off the 2019-20 podcast season and discuss the concept of "CCS for the City". Why is important for an elementary school to be "for the city"? Noah and host, Christan Perona, dialogue about our role in strengthening God's Kingdom and how Central Christian School is uniquely positioned to do so.

RESOURCES: Jeremiah 29:7 The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren: "It's not about you." Psalm 8