Why Instagram is not a Replacement for Google Search!

Own The Lemonade Stand

Nov 7 2023 • 11 mins

You'll be intrigued to learn that Google showcases content from platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest in its search results, providing users with a rich array of multimedia, insights, and visual inspiration. But there's a twist: Instagram seems to be missing from Google's preferred list of content sources. They seldom will show any individual posts or videos in the search results.

I'm not saying that IG is without value, it is the backbone of many small business owner's marketing plans. What I am saying is don't stop there. Take the time already invested and make that same content available in search, which not only sends more visitors to your website, it can also influence search results when clients are looking for what you offer!

An easy way is to use a service that sends out content to several other social media sites, without doing any extra work. One free option is Zoho Social. Great customer service and a free forever plan to get you started. Of course, you can find dozens of other providers. Find one that is a good fit for your business needs and budget.

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