5 Easy Ways to Grow Your Email List

Natural Products Marketer Podcast

Feb 7 2024 • 28 mins

Unlock the secrets to revolutionizing your natural products business with email marketing strategies that are anything but conventional.  We've meticulously crafted five ingenious strategies to not only grow your email list but to nurture a community around your brand. We dissect the hidden treasures of point-of-sale systems, spill the beans on the magic of incentives, and even dive into the concept of lifetime customer value—trust us, it's a game-changer.

Imagine sending tailored emails that have 'fruit hunters' waiting on the edge of their seats for the latest tropical fruit drop, or pet owners eagerly opening up recommendations for new supplements that'll have their furry friends howling with joy. That's the kind of niche content charm we're preaching. But that's not all—quizzes that lead to immediate engagement, automated welcome emails with sky-high open rates, and a backdoor look into how personalization and automation can transform a lukewarm lead into a fiery sale. We're here to arm you with the know-how to captivate your audience, boost those conversion rates, and give your subscribers an experience that feels like it's been handpicked just for them. So, plug in, embrace the wisdom, and watch your business bloom one click at a time.

Show Resources:
Hubspot's Ultimate List of Email Marketing Stats

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About Amanda Ballard

Amanda has worked in natural products marketing in the retail setting since 2016 and has a great understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that retailers in this industry face. More than anything, she wants this industry to continue to boom and believes much of that success hinges on the ability of retailers to do well in their businesses and market their products effectively.

About Tina Smith

Since 2014, Tina has worked with multiple natural products businesses, discovering how to market their CBD products online, without having their payment processor shut them down, to letting customers talk about their health issues those products have helped them solve. She knows first hand how experts like you offer the best products and a superior customer experience, that is why she is committed to helping you find an easy way to grow your natural product business.