Healing The Witch Wound: Is Past Life Trauma Blocking Your Intuitive Gifts EP 36

Spiritual and Ambitious with Whitney McNeill

Aug 31 2022 • 24 mins

Have you ever felt like you didn’t know which direction to go next, or you’re struggling to fully step into the intuitive abilities that make you unique? This can feel almost paralyzing. When I first came into my intuitive abilities, I was so afraid of tapping into them and using them for a purpose. The fear of rejection or persecution is legitimate. Let’s dig in to see how the “Witch Wound” might be affecting you in your life and/or business.  What Is The Witch Wound  I define the Witch Wound as lifetimes of trauma that we carry in our bodies and energies that we continue to incarnate with. It can show up as the fear of being seen and stand out with your intuitive abilities. Historically witches have been persecuted to the point of being burned. This carries fear and control. Afraid of ridicule, shame, and being judged incorrectly. Listen as I disclose how I discovered a wound I carried from a past life.  Roe v. Wade & The Witch Wound  Wounding can also happen in our current lifetime. The overturn of Roe versus Wade in recent months has brought this up due to the topic of controlling women or control of women’s bodies. It will trigger that fear response for showing up totally and authentically female. And fear will always block us from taking the next step on a subconscious level, even when we know it is the absolute right step.  Stepping Past The Witch Wound and Into Your Power  The most important thing you can do to move past the fear that The Witch Wound can create is to find your community. You need a group of like-minded people with whom you are comfortable being seen authentically. Part of our lesson in this lifetime is to standout as the unique individual you are. The more you are authentic to yourself, the more you will attract those like-people to you. Sometimes we just have to step around the fear and take a step toward doing the thing that our ego is telling us is not safe and that we should be afraid of. A Parting Question  Are you planted in the right soil? Is the location where you live conducive to your growth? Are the people in your life nurturing your desire to grow and expand your intuitive abilities or your healing potential? Are the choice I’m making nurturing me? If the answer to any of these is “no” you within to find out what block is really holding you back. Get curious about it so you can bring it to the surface and do the work to release it and step into your full potential  Spirit Guide MasterClass  Enroll in 4 Intuitive Languages®  Listen to my episode on Patty Lennon’s podcast about strengthening your intuition  Listen to my Spiritual Geek Out episode of Candice Hozza’s podcast  Instagram  Website