The Pinnacle Take...Takes on "A Network of Friendlies!"

The Pinnacle Take

Mar 27 2024 • 1 hr

How do we play at a higher level? Get Bigger Fees…become a Player! Every recruiter playing power games with paranoid middle managers wants to know…and yet we make a plan, gear ourselves up to talk to “big shots” and change our life, and two job orders get called in. And expenses are high right now…and maybe next year would be better to make this kind of change. Mike Silverstein wasn’t having any of that. He came into the biz and was fearless about cold calling. He went to a Healthcare Trade Show because his firm’s niche was dead, and, well, healthcare can’t go away…right?! And he not only crushed it, but he made the transition into higher level fees and the world of C suite/VC and PE searches. He built his firm by emulating the operating structures of his clients. And he has never stopped making rain because he has never stopped making BD calls. He’s doing it as you read this. But they’re not cold calls, Mike calls them his “network of friendlies”. In the affable, inspiring and deeply human style that had Staffing Industry Analysts calling him… “One of the most influential Millennials in Staffing”, Mike shares his approach and story with Danny.