Talking Scale With Troy Hooper, CEO of Japan-Based Pepper Lunch


Feb 28 2024 • 1 hr 11 mins

Troy Hooper, CEO of Hot Palette America, shares his captivating journey in the hospitality industry with host Ashish Tulsian. Hooper's narrative unfolds from early exposure in Miami to culinary and maritime school experiences, where yachting instilled key leadership principles. The episode delves into Hooper's passion for turning around troubled businesses and the pivotal influence of Stephen Covey's Seven Habits on his leadership style.

Hooper envisions integrating his diverse experiences in achieving his entrepreneurial dream of owning a restaurant. His consulting practice, emphasizing turnaround management, involves identifying issues and implementing solutions. The importance of balance in leadership, incorporating employee input, and strategic decision-making is highlighted, along with Hooper's commitment to building sustainable legacies, measured through employee retention.

The episode also explores Hooper's recent role in expanding Pepper Lunch, which is a Japanese Teppan restaurant, with over 500 stores in 15 countries around the world; detailing the opportunity that led to this position and his experiences in building the brand's infrastructure. Drawing insights from the Japanese business approach, Hooper emphasizes practices like compatibility, mutual respect, and the importance of courtesy in professional interactions. Troy Hooper's narrative serves as a guiding beacon for emerging leaders in the dynamic landscape of the hospitality industry.

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Ashish Tulsian - LinkedIn

Troy Hooper - LinkedIn