Fitness and Health Remedies | Adam Hoffman (Founder | Hoffman’s Fitness)

Radio TI — Toastmasters International

Mar 19 2020 • 45 mins

In this episode of Coffee With Toastmasters, Wendy Khumalo chats to Adam Hoffman about the importance of proper posture, body functional movement, nutrition as well as the transferable skills from Toastmasters International to business. Adam Hoffman is the owner and head coach of his growing Fitness Company, Hoffman’s Fitness (HF). He is a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, and Golf Specialist through N.A.S.M. (National Academy of Sports Medicine), a Crossfit Level-1 Trainer, TRX Qualified and a proud Toastmaster member. Adam’s practice in the fitness industry has one enduring goal, and that is to safely provide proper exercise and nutrition guidance for each client. “When training your body in the areas of muscle building, weight control, endurance boost and mobility increase through exercise and nutrition, you also gain the ability to maintain and improve health all while helping to prevent, mitigate, and potentially cure a variety of bodily pains and diseases.” Says Adam. The exercise focus at HF is on total body functional movement. Most of these functional movements mimic how humans move on a daily basis, including: squats, deadlifts, chest press, shoulder press, and many more multi-joint and single joint exercises. Think about picking things off of the ground or lifting things above your head, even getting out of your car. Hoffman’s Fitness teaches how to perform these tasks properly for strength, everyday life, and overall health. Their nutrition focus is on whole foods that are minimally processed with a minimal amount of ingredients. If you’re battling with making a decision between working out, exercising or having better eating patterns or the overall benefits of these remedies, you definitely will want to listen in till the end as Adam gives his professional advice on nutrition and fitness.

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Music : Myk Nich |

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