Turning the challenge into brand identity: how Pepe and Luke launched Pink Albatross

Consumer adVentures | Entrepreneurial Journeys

Jul 7 2021 • 44 mins

Pepe Biaggio and Luke Saldanha are the co-founders of Pink Albatross, where they make delicious plant-based ice creams, without artificial ingredients, milk, eggs or soy.

They are based in Madrid, and after successful sales and marketing careers in finance and consumer goods, they started a company that solved a problem very close to their hearts: offering vegan, clean label, allergen free desserts that are full of flavour. In this podcast, they share with us their journey so far.

In the episode we talk about:

  1. How the challenge of delivering great flavour and texture using only natural, clean label plant-based ingredients was the fuel to define the brand’s identity and create a product that’s unique in the marketplace
  2. The importance of being able to recognise which battles you can fight and which ones you need support with: surround yourself with people that know more than you - and give back to them
  3. Thoughtful disagreement and a culture of humility, collaboration and entrepreneurship at Pink Albatross

Pink Albatross website: https://pinkalbatross.com

IG: https://www.instagram.com/thepinkalbatross/

Other useful links: ProVeg Incubator: inhttps://proveg.com/what-we-do/incubator/