Building the first authentically manufactured personalised nutrition project in the world with Melissa Snover, CEO & Founder at Nourished

Consumer adVentures | Entrepreneurial Journeys

Aug 18 2021 • 51 mins

Melissa Snover is the CEO & Founder at Nourished, the first authentically manufactured personalised nutrition project in the world.

With several patented 3D printing technologies developed in-house, they are able to offer personalised gummies made of 7 layers of vitamins and nutrients tailored to each customer’s nutritional needs and goals.

Some of the great insights Melissa shares in the episode:

  • How she got into food 3D printing and what opportunities she sees for this technology and for personalisation
  • The rounds of investment she's raised so far and future developments of the business
  • Nourished's approach to innovation: never making a me too product and “Idea Day”
  • The importance of empathy in entrepreneurship: find a problem that is completely unacceptable to you, feel the pain of the customer, and find a solution
