The Subtle Art of Habitual Anchoring in a Sea of Decisions with Leigh Rowland

Mortgage Broker Broadcast

Jan 17 2024 • 23 mins

When faced with the relentless tide of daily decisions, my mother's unexpected accident became a stark reminder of the essential role habits play in our lives. Coupled with the wisdom of Leigh Rowland, this week's episode navigates the often-overlooked power of our ingrained routines. We delve into the journey of habit formation, highlighting the unsung heroes that steady our ship through the choppy waters of life's uncertainties.

Leigh brings a wealth of experience to the table, sharing how the simplest of habits, like a consistent breakfast choice, can be an oasis in the desert of decision fatigue that plagues leaders and entrepreneurs. Together, we dissect the day's ebb and flow of decision-making energy and the crucial timing of when to tackle our most significant challenges. This episode isn't just about the habits we create; it's about fostering the resilience and clarity needed to steer our personal and professional lives with intention and ease.

Reflecting on the heartfelt feedback from you, our listeners, we celebrate the collective progress made this January. Your stories of triumph and the stumbles in habit formation provide the fuel that drives this ongoing conversation. As we prime ourselves for the upcoming discussion on embracing change, remember that it's the steady race, run at your pace, that wins the day. So, join us for a thought-provoking session that promises to fortify your resolve and bring a sense of control to the beautiful chaos that is life.

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