Episode 60: Q and A the last book I read, a big part of your daily routine and much more

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Dec 5 2022 • 24 mins

Hi everyone, I hope that you are doing well. Thats the Q and A for this month. I hope that you get to know me a bit better and the structure of these episodes is a one that you enjoy. See you next week!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/viksan_98/

Song of the week: https://open.spotify.com/track/6tDDoYIxWvMLTdKpjFkc1B?si=a14cf1bb8feb4726

Website: https://novaposoka2021.wordpress.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfPTZwdANRUQRTQYC9ZNyDA