#8: 12 Habits That Encourage Stress In Your Life… and How To Break ‘Em! (Part 3)

Shift Happens Every Day!

Feb 21 2022 • 19 mins

Welcome to Episode 8 of Shift Happens Every Day!

I’m so glad and utterly grateful that you’re here once again to join me.

We are now entering into the final stretch of this series and I hope the previous two episodes have been helpful and insightful. Today we are continuing on with the final part of the 12 Habits That Encourage Stress in Your Life… and How to Break ‘Em!

We’re aiming the spotlight on Complaining, Perfectionism, Lack of Boundaries, and Unforgiveness. Find out how these habits are adding to your daily stress and what you can do to kick each one of these to the curb.

Enjoy listening and thank you so much again for being here!

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