44 | Embrace Your Humanity and Stop Trying to Transcend, Perfect, and Deny It

Wrestling With Life

May 7 2024 • 33 mins


A huge shift is taking place in my heart y'all. My priorities are shifting. Things that used to keep me up at night just don't anymore. "Making it" by the world's standards and crafting a certain image for myself just feels like a silly waste of time. I'm saying goodbye to being obsessed with my own little world and myself, always trying to be right and justified in my perspective...

When you operate from the ego, peace is not possible. You focus on things you think will ultimately make you happy but actually leave you empty: status, money, titles, self-importance, accolades, recognition, credit, and praise.

I used to think humility was the opposite extreme of this: shrinking yourself, not caring about success at all, and operating from a place of low self-esteem.

But it's not that at all. Humility is actually how we tame our ego and find true peace, wonder in the world, joy, contentment, and purpose. Tune in to hear more <3

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