Why I Fired My Husband: The Power of Emotional Energy in Business and Life

Balance & Beyond

Mar 12 2024 • 16 mins

When love and business collide, the fallout can be a force to reckon with. Jo found herself at the heart of such a storm, facing the gut-wrenching decision to fire her husband from managing her business finances. His scarcity mindset was dampening her entrepreneurial flame, and she knew something had to change. In an honest and emotionally charged recount, she takes you through the intricate dance of personal relationships entwined with professional endeavours. Learn from her journey how to fiercely protect your vision and the emotional energy that fuels it.

This episode isn't just about keeping business afloat; it's about the undercurrents of emotional energy that can either drown us or lift us to new heights. Jo delves into the potent ability of our emotions to shape our environments and the people within them. It's a rallying cry to align with the vibrations of hope and love, to become the dominant force in our own lives and, by extension, in others'. Discover the art of boundary-setting not just as a form of self-defence but as an act of empowerment. Join Jo as she champions the belief in our own influence, inspiring you to become harbingers of positivity and success.


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