Discover the captivating journey of Akiya, a talented artist whose new single "F-A-F-O" is turning heads in the music world. Akiya takes us on a personal exploration, from her beginnings singing in church, supported by her mother and inspired by her DJ grandmother, to finding her sound amidst the vibrant musical landscapes of Los Angeles and Atlanta. Her story is a testament to how diverse cultural experiences and transitions—from Arkansas to Memphis and beyond—have shaped her unique artistic voice.
This episode promises a deep dive into Akiya's process of self-discovery through music, marked by transformative travels to Miami and LA. Through collaborations with Latin and Jamaican producers, Akiya uncovers the boundless possibilities of her craft, embracing her vulnerability with tracks like "Soft Girl Era," which channels feminine energy and emotional introspection. As she gears up for her next project, "Dumb, Crazy, Stupid," listeners are in for an inspiring ride through real-life emotions and universally relatable tunes. Follow her journey and connect with her artistry on Instagram @whoisakia for more updates and insights.
Talk Soon! ✌🏾
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