Selling the Problems You Solve with Ginger Bell

Loan Officer Team Training with Irene Duford

Feb 19 2024 • 44 mins

In this insightful episode of the Loan Officer Team Training Podcast, host Irene Duford is joined by special guest, Ginger Bell, an acclaimed entrepreneur and marketing expert. We delve into Ginger’s innovative theory of edu-marketing. Ginger shares her journey of building a successful company focused on helping business owners implement this unique marketing strategy. Listeners can look forward to gaining a deeper understanding of how to leverage edu-marketing to highlight the solutions their businesses offer as opposed to just their services, ultimately driving growth and customer engagement.

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Show highlights:

00:20 - Welcome Ginger Bell

01:20 - Ginger’s Mortgage Origin

03:20 - EduMarketing

05:05 - How to Use AI

10:00 - Learning AI with Ginger

14:10 - Overcoming Privacy Concerns with AI

15:50 - Overcoming Scarcity Mentality

17:50 - Taking Action with Video Creation

22:30 - Selling the Problems You Solve, Not the Services You Sell

28:15 - Have a Plan…and Implement It Consistently

32:35 - Tightening the Right Budgets

35:15 - Loan Team Training

37:00 - Always Giving Value

38:45 - EduMarketing in the Mortgage Industry

41:30 - Working with Ginger

AI Prompt Handbook-Unlock the Secrets of Levering AI in your Marketing

by Ginger Bell, Chelsea Gardner and Toni Taylor Gozza: