Braving the Waves: Happy Birthday Unsinkable


Apr 22 2024 • 14 mins

Episode Notes

The poem & episode this week presented by Mikaela Brewer are special birthday editions for Unsinkable’s 5th anniversary.

Please be sure to check out the resources, programs, partnerships, and action items Mikaela has shared in this episode. Thank you so much to our podcast guests from season 1 for lending their voices & words to this poem. You can re-listen to their episodes below!

Here's an excerpt of the poem (the full written & visually formatted versions can now be found & read at!):

Because we’ve braided this  woven raft of 4.1 million people, strong and vast, limbs linked,  lying on our backs and having practiced our breathing in sync, above the waves we float, steer, expand always and all ways.

Listen to this week's episode to hear the full poem! If you’d like to share your moment or memory on the podcast, please head to

Disclaimer: This Podcast and all of our mental health learning and educational content is not therapy and is not a replacement for therapy. Noah and Simon do not take this therapist-client role in any way for Resolvve.

Please seek professional help if needed. Go to to get the support you need.

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