Teachers Asking Teachers Part 1

Teachers Changing Teaching

Apr 13 2022 • 31 mins

In today’s episode, Val Harder and Eden Hinton, preservice teachers and undergraduate students who are completing their teaching degrees, ask Jamie, Natalie, and Rachel their pressing questions as they consider setting up their own classrooms for the first time. The teachers discuss classroom management, grading, and the “why” behind teaching. They go on to talk about maintaining a work-life balance, engaging students in reading, and cultivating classroom culture. Jamie, Natalie, and Rachel share what keeps them in the classroom when there are so many challenges in the teaching profession.

Today at school, consider this: What can you systematize to take back time and balance in your life? How can you best give and utilize feedback to support students? What’s your “why”? What keeps you in the classroom when the days are difficult?