The Un Stressing Process during Meditation

The Instinctive Meditation Conversation

Nov 22 2020 • 37 mins

In this twelfth episode, Michael and Natasha discuss the relaxation response and how to handle the process of de-stressing.

We hope you enjoy this and would welcome any feedback.

It's our hope that we can share this meditation style with as many people as we can.

Language warning.... there might be some colourful language in these conversations.

Both Natasha and Michael are accredited Radiance Sutras Meditation teachers and offer coaching, workshops, classes and online training in Meditation.

Recorded  in Australia, from Michael's caravan adventures in South Australia and from Natasha's Sunshine Coast home-studio .

* Instinctive Meditation is a style of meditation developed by Dr Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine.

These recordings are available on iTunes
and Spotify and I Heart Radio