Servant Leadership Creates Limitless Possibilities

That ALL Might Be Edified: Discussions on Servant Leadership

Mar 29 2023 • 44 mins

I am honored to have the founder of Integrate Well Coaching, Alicia Wolfe, as my guest for this episode. Alicia shares some great insight on how she brings levity through possibility and helps people face hard things by focusing on what is truly possible. This helps honor the challenges people face by recognizing that each of us has our own summit and definition of what success means. We talk about the power of possibility and how focusing on that brings levity because words and thoughts have power. By thinking about things in the proper framework we can harness that power in new ways. Alicia guides us through the inspiring principle of self-leadership and champions it as a foundational leadership trait to leading others. In her own path to leading self, she had to overcome limiting beliefs and voices. We discuss some of these and describe the pitfall of comparison while highlighting the power of self-improvement as a motivational tool. Alicia illustrates the power of establishing core values, vision, and cultivating curiosity to prevent being distracted by other peoples comparisons and limiting voices. She distinguishes courage comes before confidence and shares a personal experience of when a company took a chance on her. We all need someone to believe in us and we can look for opportunities to believe in others when they don't quite believe in themselves. Every person is valuable and can be the solution to a problem our organization has if we help them rise to that occasion. We just have learn to look to for the possibilities like Alicia and appreciate the world for what it could be.

Alicia is a life & leadership coach, a mother of 2 young girls, a wife, an entrepreneur, a speaker, and a full-time traveler! Alicia studied Organizational Leadership at Gonzaga University and continued her education in Women’s Leadership after that. She has supported hundreds of female (and male) leaders step into the best versions of themselves, both professionally and personally.

In the past 5 years, Alicia has learned (and unlearned) what truly matters to her and has built a life that lives into that. Alicia is a HECK YES to the things that matter to her and let the rest slide. She is a visionary and one of Alicia’s core values is possibility, but she is also known as "the Queen of Practicality" because Alicia can take a bold vision or goal and help her clients create a clear pathway to success through little shifts and practical steps.

Alicia knows living a BIG life doesn’t just come from daydreaming and vision boards. And her clients get clear, simple, practical tools to help them create the life they love. Alicia puts the "ha!" in hard work. She knows that development, self-discovery, and personal growth can be really challenging, but slightly less challenging when you can laugh your way through it!


Alicia Wolfe - Integrate Well

James Kouzes & Barry Posner - The Leadership Challenge

The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner)

Parker J. Palmer - The Courage to Teach

The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life, 20th Anniversary Edition

Gonzaga University - Leadership and Hardiness