UVA’s Law Students Assist the Formerly Incarcerated

UVA Speaks

Jun 23 2023 • 29 mins

On this UVA Speaks podcast, Kelly Orians, Assistant Professor and Director of the Decarceration Community Reentry Clinic at the University of Virginia’s School of Law, talks about the dramatic rise in incarceration rates in our country since the 1960s and the policy and societal shifts that brought about this change. Once the incarcerated are released, they face many challenges when reentering society. To assist in this transition, Orians details the work that UVA Law School students undertake on behalf of their clients, such as legal work with clemency, pardons, and applications for post-conviction relief.

Transcripts of the audio broadcast can be found here. www.rev.com/transcript-editor/s…loadFrom=SharedLink

Kelly Orians is an Assistant Professor of Law and Director of the Decarceration and Community Reentry Clinic in the School of Law at the University of Virginia. Professor Orians is an expert on helping formerly incarcerated people reenter society and prevent recidivism. Her scholarship has focused on the collateral consequences of arrests, convictions, and incarceration and the history and impact of sentencing reform and prisoner reentry reform.