Smart Cities: Analyzing the Use of Technology and Data in Our Cities

UVA Speaks

Dec 5 2023 • 26 mins

On this UVA Speaks podcast, Jess Reia, Assistant Professor of Data Science at the School of Data Science at the University of Virginia, discusses smart cities and how technology and data are used both domestically and internationally to make more effective and data-driven decisions. The smart city agenda can lead to more efficient, accessible, and green cities. Reia also explains that we need to consider privacy, data protection, and safety when deciding what technologies to adopt.

Transcripts of the audio broadcast can be found here.

Jess Reia is an Assistant Professor of Data Science interested in the untold stories in our datasets and how to include communities rarely heard in data policy decision-making processes meaningfully. They work primarily on topics of data justice, urban governance, and technology policy transnationally. For the past decade, their research and advocacy agenda has focused on fostering dialogues between academia, government, and civil society in three countries: Brazil, Canada, and the United States.