Transforming the Narrative on Ministry Formation with Professor Donald Guthrie

Clergy Wellbeing Down Under

Aug 17 2023 • 51 mins

Today, we're joined by Professor Donald Guthrie.  Professor Donald Guthrie teaches at Trinity International University, and is the co-author of Resilient Ministry: What Pastors Told us about Surviving and Thriving, a book based on a five-year intensive research project on the frontlines of pastoral ministry.  In this episode, he shares with Valerie his insights on social media conflict, the dangers of isolation, what helps clergy spouses flourish, the need for spiritual and emotional formation, and the value of professional and peer support.

Download my research report and reflections

Watch the video version of this podcast

Complete a Clergy Wellbeing Quiz here

Reflection Questions:

  • Reflect on your current levels of physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health.  Which areas are most in need of restoration?
  • Consider your attitude towards, and involvement with, social media.  Are you demonstrating a ‘winsome witness’ and ‘gospel savvy’?
  • Who would you consider to be your closest friends?  What’s your level of connection with them?
  • If you’re married, how would you respond to the statements: ‘I have friends’, ‘My spouse has friends’, ‘We have friends?’
  • If you’re married, what is your spouse’s involvement with church?  How do they feel about it?
  • What professional supports, if any, do you have in place? Are there any additional ones you’d like to arrange?  What is your response to the idea of professional counselling as a preventative measure?
  • Do you have any ‘similar others’ in your life?  Is there anyone who could fit that role for you, and vice versa?
  • Have you fallen into the trap of confusing your identity with your role?  How does that reveal itself?  What gospel truths might you need to preach to yourself?

Podcast Disclaimer:

Please be aware that the opinions and viewpoints shared on this podcast are personal to me and do not represent the stance of any institution. The research discussed is based on an assignment completed for my Masters in Leadership and has not undergone peer review. This podcast aims to present findings for open discussion and dialogue, inviting listeners to engage critically and draw their own conclusions. While the content serves informational purposes, it is not a substitute for professional advice. Thank you for joining me on this journey of exploration and conversation!