Behind the Pulpit: An Insight into Pastoral Stress and Burnout with Keith and Sarah Condie

Clergy Wellbeing Down Under

Oct 11 2023 • 48 mins

Keith and Sarah Condie of the Mental Health and Pastoral Care Institute join us to unpack the numbers from Valerie Ling's survey on rates of burnout and resignation thinking among our clergy.

We talk about the often-hidden struggles of church leaders, the pressures they face and the need to have an unwavering façade. The conversation throws a spotlight on the how a lack of encouragement and care can have on ministers, fostering self-doubt and a sense of isolation.

We further look at the meaning of "reputation" in church leadership, characteristics of a compassionate church, and accommodating the unexpected.

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Podcast Disclaimer:

Please be aware that the opinions and viewpoints shared on this podcast are personal to me and do not represent the stance of any institution. The research discussed is based on an assignment completed for my Masters in Leadership and has not undergone peer review. This podcast aims to present findings for open discussion and dialogue, inviting listeners to engage critically and draw their own conclusions. While the content serves informational purposes, it is not a substitute for professional advice. Thank you for joining me on this journey of exploration and conversation!