The Brand Builder Who Drove Demand Through the Roof w/ Erica Brinker of Array Technologies

The Storied Future

Dec 15 2022 • 51 mins

Chris closes out the first season of the podcast with a conversation with Erica Brinker, Chief Commercial Officer and Head of ESG at Array Technologies. Erica is an extraordinary leader who knows how to build a brand and prove her impact.

Prior to Array, Erica was CMO at Honeywell, an industrial that historically didn’t believe in marketing. She drove demand through the roof for Honeywell by building a brand campaign that is still driving impact years later. Her insights and approach should prove incredibly valuable for CMOs who are leading through the turbulence of this current economy.

Chris and Erica cover:

  • Her early years as a marketer working at Kate Spade, Tiffany, and Ralph Lauren, in a world where brand was everything -
  • The path she blazed to become Chief Marketing Officer at Honeywell -
  • Honeywell's Futureshaper brand campaign, which aligned everyone from the buyer to the C-Suite at Honeywell around a shared vision of the future -
  • How  you can earn and grow a trusted relationship with your CFO -
  • How Erica's desire to change the future of the planet for her kids led to her current role at Array -

And much more! Thanks for joining us this season. We'll see you in 2023!