What to Consider Before Going Full-time In Your Business

The Detailed Diary Podcast

Mar 4 2024 • 39 mins

I often get asked how I turned Details and Swirls into my full-time career. So I'm revisiting a past episode to share exactly how I did it! This journey was more than just a career change, it really completely shifted the direction of my life.

Taking the leap to become a small business owner is a big step. It's filled with excitement, fear, and so many questions, like:

When is the right time?
What if it fails?
Did I make the right choice?

Believe me, I've been in your shoes having those very same thoughts. And in today's episode, I share everything about the journey, from the initial idea to turning Details and Swirls into a full-time reality. You'll hear all the ups and downs, the successes, lessons, and everything in between.

If you're wondering how to take your own business full-time, this episode is for you!

Key Takeaways:

  • The "aha" moment I knew to take Details and Swirls full-time
  • Why planning is your best first step
  • Mental health struggles and big decisions
  • How to find strength in your support circle
  • Why you need to trust your gut and business vision
  • Taking that jump towards your entrepreneur dreams

My Bookkeeping Basics Course
This simple and easy to follow course is designed specifically for small business owners like you. It provides all the foundational tools you need to get your bookkeeping in perfect shape for tax time, focusing on organization over complex accounting and tax rules. Click here for more info and get started!



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