
Pretty Practical Podcast

Apr 23 2024 • 5 mins

Thank you for listening to Pretty Practical Podcast!

What's growing in your garden?  What are you cultivating or nurturing?

In this episode, Stephanie recounts a meaningful moment at a church conference when the Holy Spirt  affirmed to her she is Good Ground, an affirmation that shaped how her path unfolded.

Just like the cliche saying , “you reap what you sow”, you need to pull off the rock weeds in your ground.

Life's challenges are the compost that enriches your soil, making you ripe for a bountiful harvest. Keep preparing the soil. It might not look like much today but eventually you will see the harvest!

Notable Quotes

● "Every day we make decisions that will determine what we will harvest. Your steps today will impact your crops tomorrow.”

● “Every seed planted is preparing you for Harvest. You are a good ground.”

● “All things work for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”