You Are Appointed (So, Pray Like You’re Appointed!) Episode #19 ~ Take Two!

The Prayer Podcast with Jan L. Burt

Oct 26 2023 • 13 mins

When we read the words the Lord spoke to the prophet Jeremiah in chapter 1, verses 4 & 5, they remind us that we are so loved by God that He created us with intention and purpose. Knowing who we are according to the Bible impacts how we pray, because it impacts why we pray.

Be sure to check out the Vibrant Home Life Summit - an online event aimed at strengthening Christian families.

Jeremiah 1:4-5 Amplified -

4 Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

5  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

He knew you then; He knows you now.

He knew what Jeremiah would do with his life, and He knows all about your life, too.

If you ever feel forgotten - you're not!

If you ever feel as if you have no deep, meaningful purpose or calling - you do!

Your calling is, first and foremost, to know Jesus. And within that life-long calling, you will have many varied tasks and assignments from the Lord.

Consider reading these verses to help "shore you up" in your true identity & purpose.

Jeremiah 9:24

Philippians 3:10

Isaiah 43:10-11

1 Timothy 2:3-4

John 17:3

My prayer for you is that you will know this calling, this deep need in your heart and soul to know Jesus personally.

And that you will know your tasks (or assignments) under the umbrella of this calling.

Know Jesus = #1

Then do what He ask of you = #2

Do what He leads you to do from a place of knowing Him & being known by Him.

Tasks change over the course of your life - calling does not.