From Surviving to Thriving - A Prayer from Psalm 52 Episode #16

The Prayer Podcast with Jan L. Burt

Sep 7 2023 • 11 mins

TPP Ep #16

Got a new resource to mention to you - it’s a prayer book written by a friend of mine, Geri Gardner, and I’ll have the link in the show notes for ya.

Schooled In Prayer book at Amazon

Today we are looking at Psalm 52, verses 8 and 9.

And you know one thing that stood out to me from these two verses was the blessing we find here. I couldn’t think of a better way to pray for you today than with an actual, biblical blessing.

Here’s how these verses read in the NLT.

But I am like an olive tree, thriving in the house of God.

I will always trust in God’s unfailing love.

I will praise you forever, O God,

for what you have done.

I will trust in your good name

in the presence of your faithful people.

Isn’t that a beautiful image? Like an olive tree, thriving in the house of God.

Not just surviving, which is often how we feel. Like we are merely surviving, just getting by, so far from thriving that it seems like a dream to be able to thrive. But in the house of God, in the presence of our loving Father, we can thrive. Every single day.

I do my work at home, and not everyone works from home, but it isn’t often that I have people around. There are no bonuses or work parties when it’s just you doing your thing in your work. And you might think that it is terrible. Well I do love my time with my husband, I value it highly, that’s for sure.

And I can totally understand how some people would be coming undone by working alone all day, every day. (I’m not coming undone at all, just an fyi…I really enjoy working alone and even have a hard time forcing myself to go work for a few hours at a coffee shop. No need to check in on me, I really do love my little office and being able to take half a day and watch my sweet grandbaby. I’m so very blessed.) But my point is that it’s so easy to feel like we’re doing anything but thriving in our regular old life.

But what if that’s the wrong perspective? If we are ever going to be more thankful, then it starts with simply choosing to be more thankful one day, one moment, and then thankful again in the next moment, the next day, and so on.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m gonna pray for you, that you will know and see and experience and live in a place of thriving, not surviving, and I also want to challenge you a bit on this. Look for God’s favor, where do you see Him moving in your world? Thank Him for that. Where are you thriving? Are you close enough to the Lord to say you are thriving in His house? Be much with the Lord, and you will not regret it. It really is the way to have a full, thriving life. Be much with the One who knows you best and loves you most.

And when we live close to Jesus, thriving in the house of our God, then we find it so much easier to trust in His unfailing love.

That’s the second thing I’m praying over you today - that you will be able to trust in God’s unfailing love for you.

And that you will be a person of praise, making the sacrifice of praise part of your every day life. So easy to praise Him, because you do it so often.

And lastly that you’ll be able to trust in God’s good name in the presence of His faithful people.

His name is a good name. Trust in that! And that last bit, in the presence of God’s faithful people…oh how I want you to have people around you, in your life, who are faithful to the Lord God Most High.

What a difference that makes! And not everyone has this. It’s such a blessing! I’m going to pray that for you today.

In fact, I’m going to pray for you right now.

Lord, today I come to You with gratitude and thanksgiving, asking that You would hear me and answer as I pray for the one listening today. Would You do as Your word says, and reveal Your love and grace and favor and mercy to them now? Cause them to be drawn to praise, to be a people of praise, starting now and continuing on throughout all eternity. Thank You, praise You, for what You have done, God. You are good, and we trust in Your good name today. May they thrive in Your presence, enjoying being close to You and growing in Your presence. May they always trust in Your unfailing love, resting in You because You’re taking such good care of them. And surround them with Your faithful people to encourage them, to bless them, to shore them up when they need it and to rejoice with when prayers are answered and life is filled to overflowing with good things from your hand. Take away survival mode, and replace it with peace and thriving. May they see You at work in their world, and may You do great things in and through them. Father, I’m asking for a double portion blessing on them today, and for them to be overflowing with joy because they know how much their God loves and cares for them. Do all I’ve asked, and far beyond what I’m asking today. In Jesus Name - Amen