Patient Endurance & Crucifying the Flesh - James 1:12-15 Episode #28

The Prayer Podcast with Jan L. Burt

Jan 31 2024 • 12 mins

Welcome to the 28th episode of 'The Prayer Podcast'. I am your host, Jan Elbert, here to lead you into a deeper understanding of the Bible and what it says about prayer.

In this episode, we examine verses 12 through 15 of James Chapter 1, discussing how we ought to patiently endure testing and temptation in our lives. Grounded in these verses, we pray for increased patience, a need for us as followers of Jesus to crucify our flesh, and the strength to resist sin that leads to death.

Throughout this journey of examining the scriptures and applying their teachings to our prayer lives, we gain better insight into the transformative power of praying according to God's Word. We discuss the importance of praying for strength to endure, the understanding that God is not a source of temptation, and the necessity for personal responsibility in managing our own desires.

This prayer journey aims to improve our perspective on life and enhance our prayer lives. We recognize the significance of steadily crucifying our flesh and dealing with our desires, as they wage war against us every day. The podcast seeks to instill a realization of the life-altering reality that sin first gives birth to sinful actions and then to death. In this light, we pray for the Spirit of God to help us put to death the deeds of the flesh.

This episode pushes you to introspect, question, and reevaluate your relationship with God, encouraging you to take a stand against the carnal desires that sometimes seem to overtake us simultaneously. It persuades listeners to take the Bible's teachings to heart to gain a better understanding of prayer—the way to communicate directly with our Creator.

The Prayer Podcast is here to assist you in your journey—a journey that starts with patience, moves through understanding, and culminates in crucifying the flesh. The aim is to be more wholly and fully dedicated to the Lord each and every day. Join us for each episode to deepen your understanding of prayer and strengthen your relationship with God.