Prayer - What to Know About It... & Intercessors, I'm Here to Say, "THANK YOU!" - Episode #32

The Prayer Podcast with Jan L. Burt

May 9 2024 • 23 mins


How would you define it or describe it?

And do you think it makes an impact on people & situations?

After decades of praying for people & circumstances, here are a few things I've learned:

1 - Prayer is unstoppable.

Seriously...what can stop you from praying? It's a mighty weapon that God gives His people, and you can pray anywhere at any time. Realizing that no devil from hell and no human on earth can stop you from praying both emboldens and encourages us to keep on praying!

2 - Prayer should never be generic.

If something is worth worrying about, it's worth praying about. And more than praying, "Lord, please bless my loved ones today," why not pray specifically about the things going on in your loved one's lives? Get specific when you pray and start seeing specific answers to those prayers!

3 - Prayer coupled with worship is powerful.

Ever feel like your prayers don't make it past the ceiling? Have times when you don't feel like praying at all? Try adding some worship time into your prayer schedule. Worship for a song or two, and then go back to praying. You'll likely see a difference and your prayers will be oriented toward God's glory and will be powerful and effective!

4 - Prayer should be rooted in faith.

Praying without faith that our prayers will be heard or answered is like trying to breathe doesn't work very well. If you need more faith, ask God for it. And if you need to remind yourself of how faithful He is, and how He always keeps His promises, do that, too!

5 - Prayer does not need to be stagnant.

Stagnant water isn't fit for drinking. Stagnant prayer isn't a good thing, either. Don't stay in a rut of praying through a checklist day after day...asked the Lord to make your prayer life come alive and expect Him to enliven you when you pray.

6 - Praying for "small" things, not just the "big" things.

If something concerns you, it concerns the God who calls you His own. Take all your concerns to Him in prayer, big or small.

7 - Your praying can be a litmus test of how much you trust (or don't trust) the Lord.

When we find ourselves unwilling or unable to ask God for certain things in our prayer time, we may need to ask whether or not we trust God enough to entrust this need to Him in prayer...

8 - Intercession (praying for others) is God-honoring, important, holy Kingdom work.

There are not enough words in the English language to sufficiently thank all those who stand in the gap and intercede on behalf of others! This work is life-changing, both in this life and the next. If you are an intercessor, can I just say THANK YOU!!!

9 - Study what Jesus taught about prayer & then do what He taught & get busy praying!

It's a worthy use of our time to study what Jesus taught about prayer in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and to take a look at Acts and Revelation to see if we find any information about how we ought to pray in those New Testament books. Pray how He taught His followers to pray & expect to see your prayers make an impact!

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