Episode 5: What is your money personality

Family Kitchen and Crafts

Apr 7 2023 • 5 mins

https://www.ministrydude.com There is an epidemic going on in the United States and the world today. Many of us are in financial bondage and have no idea on how to get out of it. 35% of us don't even have $500 for an emergency and 60% don't even have $1,000 for an emergency. There are 3 reasons why we view money the way we do. Past experiences, the way we were raised, and the way God wired us. There are also 6 money personalities that affect the way we spend money. There is more than enough money in the world for everyone, we just need to learn about money, learn to budget and invest to grasp our share. The best way to predict the future is to create it. We don’t see the way life is, we see it the way we are. We turn to technology for relief from life's problems, when it is people who can help you with your problems. Prayer is the oldest technology and the most underutilized. Love and understanding are what humans need to help them. We can help you become more successful in life. We help you set up a financial plan to reduce debt and increase net worth. Visit our website to learn more about your money.