The Unspoken Victims: Rebuilding Your Child's Life Post-Divorce

UnYoked Living - The Divorce and Recovery Podcast

Aug 18 2023 • 49 mins

Embark on a raw and insightful journey with Todd Turner in Episode 8: "Your children are suffering post-divorce," a hard-hitting exploration of the often-overlooked emotional aftermath faced by children of divorce. Discover strategies and heartfelt advice that will empower you to navigate these turbulent times with compassion and wisdom.

[Disclaimer: "Unyoked" is not a replacement for professional counseling or legal advice. If you or your children need immediate assistance, please seek the support of qualified professionals.]

- [00:02:00] Crucial Coparenting Tactics for Child Stability Post-Split

- [00:07:30] The Pillars of Effective Communication with Your Children

- [00:15:00] The Bitter Truth: Your Divorce-Sparked Hypocrisy and Its Cost to Kids

- [00:22:45] From Marriage to Single Parenting: Juggling Identity in a Christian Framework

- [00:28:20] Real-world Scenarios: The Single Parent Dilemma and Dating While Divorced

- [00:39:55] Prioritizing Self-Care While Supporting Your Child Through Their Grief Odyssey

- [00:52:10] Complex Blended Families: Charting the Path Through Love and Assurance

- [01:00:00] Todd Turner’s Personal Take on Daddyhood Under Duress

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UnYoked - The Post Divorce Podcast: Navigating your divorce and recovery with grace.

Divorce and the new single life is hard but it is even more complex when you made a promise to God to "keep your marriage till death do you part." American Christian culture doesn't make navigating the decisions and ripple effects of divorce any easier. Christian marriage and divorce advice runs rampant yet often conflicts with the realities of pain, abuse, loneliness, and the real world.

God has a lot more to say than, “I hate divorce.” God gives a standard and then graciously restores and renews people even when His standard isn't met.

Those of us who are navigating the life changing event of unYoking from a spouse and/or uprooting a family have to journey through some dark, lonely, and confusing places. Our issues aren't frequently tackled from the pulpit and the advice we receive isn't always relevant to our current place.

The UnYoked podcast is just for you. A safe place to wonder, ponder, relate, and consider your steps of navigating a divorce, singleness, and the future. A place where we live in the tension between God's plan and the realities of living in a broken world with broken people and broken relationships. Buckle up... remove the mask.. and let's get real about discussing the ripple effects of divorce and equip ourselves to survive being unYoked as a Christian.

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