Episode 74: Renouncing War

Latter-day Contemplation

Nov 18 2022 • 53 mins

In Episode 74, Christopher and Riley revisit a topic they’ve previously spoken about on the podcast, but from a different perspective. Episode 5: On Peace deals with inner peace, while this one deals with interpersonal, relational, and world peace.  They explore the LDS doctrinal case for renouncing war in Sec. 98 as a springboard to a larger discussion about practical application of peace, as exemplified by Jesus, the anti-nephi-lehis, St. Maximilian and others.  They make a case for a non-violent reading of scripture, particularly the Book of Mormon and challenge the listener to take small proactive steps, in concert with others, forming a grassroots movement towards a peaceful world.

The War Prayer, Mark Twain

We are a Warlike People | Renounce War and Proclaim Peace

First Presidency Statement on Basing of MX Missile (churchofjesuschrist.org)

Record of Martyrdom of St. Maximilian, Pg. 244, Acts of The Christian Martyrs, Musurillo