How The Mighty Have Fallen - Week 2: 1 Samuel 9:1-27

North Conway Baptist Church - Weekly Sermons

Sep 18 2023 • 45 mins

In "How the Mighty Have Fallen"  week 2, we will look at how God used the “random” circumstances in Saul’s life to accomplish His sovereign will. Sometimes in our lives, it is easy to wonder if God is really at work. Everything seems so normal, so mundane. We fear our weakness, lack of faith, or sin might somehow derail us from God’s will. But through a lost donkey in this chapter, we will see that God’s will can not be broken. His purposes can not be thrown off course. In short, he is sovereign, and we can take great comfort in that.

The overall series through 1 Samuel is called Choose Your King. The book of 1 Samuel contains the record of the calling of the nation of Israel’s first kings. These earthly kings had significant victories in their lives and some devastating failures. We will see our own victories and failures as we look at their lives. But above all, we will see that God, embodied in HIs son Jesus, is the only perfect king and the one we need to follow. Because of the length of the overall book, we will break the series up into several smaller mini-series organized around the central characters.