[Interview] The Keys to Developing Emotional Intelligence (feat. Dr. Marc Brackett)

The Dream Catcher Podcast

Feb 13 2024 • 27 mins

Original airdate: June 15, 2021

The ability to interpret, express and respond to our emotions is essential for success. Some experts say that it’s even more important than our IQ.

Unfortunately, not many of us were taught how to identify and process our emotions, which can make life much harder. To tell us more about how we can build our emotional intelligence, I invited Dr. Marc Brackett, who wrote a popular book on this topic called “Permission to Feel.”

Dr. Marc Brackett is the founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and a professor in the Child Study Center at Yale University. He has published over 150 scholarly articles, received numerous awards, and is featured regularly in popular media outlets.

In this interview, Marc inspires us with a new mindset around the power of emotions, offering advice on understanding our own and others’ feelings. He also provides innovative strategies to boost emotional intelligence and undo unhealthy patterns we may have developed over the years.